How to Join

New members are welcomed in September and January, at the beginning of each concert cycle.  Rehearsals are held Sundays from 4:00 – 6:30 pm currently at First Church Congregational at 63 South Main St., Rochester, NH.

Registration is now open for Spring 2025. Click here to register!


** Memberships are annual and dues are valid for one year from registration.  Any member who joined in January will not pay yearly dues the following September. Any member who joined in September will not pay annual dues the following January.  ANY member may request financial assistance consideration at registration.

**Youth ages 12-22 may apply for youth scholarships as of July 1 for the following season. Scholarship Awards are applied to dues, music, and concert attire assistance.  

There are no auditions and there is no requirement for being able to read music. GSCS welcomes singers ages 12+ to join a rehearsal without pressure to see if it’s a good musical fit. For more information about joining the chorus, please email


Click here for more information about Member Obligations and Responsibilities

Please note…

 Membership dues are $100 annually, and membership will run from Sept. – Sept. or Jan. – Jan. depending on when you sign up. Members will pay dues once a year and only need to purchase music at the beginning of each semester. Members are responsible for concert attire which is a one-time purchase.  Our priority is to not limit a singer’s ability to join us so financial assistance is available. All financial accommodations are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be requested in writing. Please speak with the Treasurer or any Board Member when registering if you have questions.

Thank you.

Member Responsibilities and Obligations

GSCS music guidelinesDues transitioned to $100 annually. Payment may be done by cash, check or PayPal. Payment considerations and scholarships are reviewed on a case by case basis. Please Note: The GSCS Board decided that as of September 2015 annual dues will be paid in full upon close of September ’15 or January ’16 registration time frames. Interested singers are NOT required to commit to registration until last day as which time any payment/scholarship considerations should have been discussed. Membership has always been considered an annual commitment on the part of the member and this change will reflect this according to our Bylaws.

Music is purchased each semester and is the responsibility of each member. Music costs usually average between $25 – $40 including shipping unless otherwise indicated at registration.

Concert Attire — While many other choral groups in the area do not, GSCS choral members wear choral attire designed to present a uniform appearance. This choral attire and any alterations are the responsibility of the member. The Concert Attire Committee will measure new members and place orders for the attire at the beginning of each semester. IMPORTANT: Attire is either a tuxedo or concert dress. 

All choral members are to wear black shoes and socks/nylons. Music is to be held in a black folder which can be purchased at registration or self supplied. A deposit is required at registration for member’s attire to be ordered once measured. Balance due when arrives.

Rehearsal Etiquette:

  • Be prompt; rehearsal begins at 4pm until 6:30pm Sunday afternoons unless otherwise announced, if arriving late or leaving early please do so with minimum interruption.
  • Allergies & Asthma are serious . Please do not wear perfumes or other scented products to rehearsal or concerts as can negatively impact fellow singers
  • Come prepared to learn: have music and pencil at hand, no unsupervised children will be permitted
  • Be attentive and courteous to the director and fellow members: unnecessary talking is distracting, please silence your phone
  • In case of cancellations, check email, Facebook or listen to WOKQ, WBBY or WTSN for notification
  • Visitors are welcome to come and observe a rehearsal at any time as long as follow these guidelines.

Attendance is essential to preparing concert performances and is expected at every rehearsal.

  • Dress rehearsals are mandatory for all members. This rehearsal is announced and published at the beginning of every session. Unless having spoken with the Director or President previously if you do not attend you will not be allowed to sing at that concert.
  • Sectional rehearsals, if needed, will be announced and members are expected to attend.
  • Absences happen. As a courtesy please advise your section leader and note it in the calendar if at all possible. If more than three (3) absences are taken in a semester you may be required to sing for the Director to assess your music knowledge and preparation.

Fundraising participation is expected of all members. The annual budget depends upon all of these income sources to present quality performances. Members can choose to sponsor, donate or actively participate in fundraising events to make them successful. The membership is also expected to assist with Ticket and Advertising sales as are also considered fundraising efforts. Many chorus’ require minimum financial contributions of its membership , in addition to fundraising, whereas GSCS at this time does not, rather choosing to encourage members to support the group in the way that best suits each person’s abilities.

Committee work is also highly encouraged of all members. Serving on committees and volunteering, when asked, makes activities and concerts go smoother. We have many administrative and production jobs that must be done to keep us functioning.

Communication is essential to any organization. We use Email, Facebook, Twitter and our Website to post important information for members and the public on most general items. There is a Members Only Resource section on our website and all members should apply for access. Email is used to communicate member specific notices and all members are provided with a member directory once registration has closed. Announcement updates are verbally done at every rehearsal as well as printed information being available in break room. Section Leaders can provide updates on most items as well. All members can attend any announced Board or Committee meeting and minutes are posted in the Member Resource Area

Parking is available across from the church in the Liberty St. parking lot. Handicap parking is available curbside next to the church on the Liberty Street side. There is elevator access to the chapel.
